Swinging for the fences

After more than 30 days of non-stop promotion for our Premiere comic project WELCOME TO THE EVOLUTION: RAY OF HOPE, I thought it was time for a short break.

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The U.S. Air Force Birthday: 9/18 The U.S. Air Force was officially established on September 18, 1947, and has since proven itself as an unrivaled force in aviation. However, its roots extend back to the early 20th century, reflecting a rich history and heritage. Prior to this new organization, aircraft and pilots had been under…

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What are the Odds

What are the odds that a new comic book, by a New Author and a New Artist, introducing New Characters competing with over 260 other comic books, some by name Creators with legendary characters, would be fully funded?

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National Comic Book Day

A poster of various comic book heroes.

National Comic Book Day soars into a community near you this September 25. The genre has grown to include full-length books, or graphic novels, and inspire countless movie adaptations. While they were first typically humorous in nature, it didn’t take long for authors to apply the comic style to all genres of storytelling. HISTORY OF…

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September 11th

Sculpture with lit skyscrapers at night.

I was watching Dylan Ratigan on Bloomberg TV, expecting to see the morning stock report before I left for PT (physical training) I was shocked to see a smoking hole inside one of the twin towers, my first thoughts, “how could a pilot have f upped, that bad?” When I saw the second plane go…

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The Mulford Act 

HOW TO GET ASSAULT RIFLES BANNED “The Mulford Act was a 1967 California bill that repealed a law allowing public carrying of loaded firearms.”  Named after Republican assemblyman Don Mulford, the bill was crafted in response to members of the Black Panther Party who were conducting armed patrols of Oakland neighborhoods while they were conducting…

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The Black Panther Party for Self-Defense 

“I do not expect the white media to create positive black male images.”  – Huey P. Newton Black Panther Party American organizationAlso known as: Black Panther Party for Self-Defense, Panther Party  Black Panther Party, African American revolutionary party, founded in 1966 in Oakland, California, by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale. The party’s original purpose…

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“Project We Love”

“You get tested the most when it’s time for you to elevate. Do not break.” I sent that out earlier this week to my daily inspiration friends’ list. It’s seemingly quite reflective of my life right now. The last four years have been the most challenging of my adult life, I’ve lost my two closest…

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Superheroes carved into a mountainside.

JERRY SIEGEL (October 14, 1914 – January 28, 1996) Jerome Siegel was an American comic book writer. He is the co-creator of Superman, in collaboration with his friend Joe Shuster, published by DC Comics. They also created Doctor Occult, who was later featured in The Books of Magic. Siegel and Shuster were inducted into the…

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“great respect and honor” Homage means great respect and honor, or something done to honor a person or thing.  In Middle English, homage specifically referred to respect for and loyalty to a feudal lord. Obama tan suit controversy On August 28, 2014, U.S. President Barack Obama held a live press conference on increasing the military…

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